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Group Spiritual Direction

"...the wisdom of spiritual direction is precisely that we refuse to stand between God and the person who so needs to hear God for himself or herself. 


Gordon T. Smith

What is Group Spiritual Direction?

Group spiritual direction is a process in which people gather together on a regular basis to assist one another in an ongoing awareness of God in all of life. They are seeking support for their responsiveness to God and they agree to support others in that same responsiveness.

Expectations of Group Spiritual Direction:

Commit themselves to an honest relationship with God


Participate wholeheartedly in the group process through prayerful listening and response


Open their spiritual journeys for consideration by others


These expectations of themselves do not guarantee the effectiveness of group spiritual direction. They do, however, foster and reflect the willingness needed to engage in such a process. The depth of sharing necessary in group spiritual direction demands a level of trust not often found in other types of groups. This trust is not dependent upon similar personalities, mutual interests, or common experiences; rather it is grounded in a trust of God’s desire for each participant individually as well as the group as a whole.

What does Group spiritual Direction consist of?

Group spiritual direction is a process in which people gather together on a regular basis to assist one another in an ongoing awareness of God in all of life. They are seeking support for their responsiveness to God and they agree to support others in that same responsiveness.

COst of Group Spiritual Direction:

Group spiritual direction includes 3-4 members in each group, which enables a lower cost of $50 dollars per session. It is expected that each group commit to meeting monthly for 6-12 months, and deciding after the agreed-upon length of time whether or not they wish to continue as a group. 


Please fill out the form attached to the link and you will be placed on a waitlist for a group. 

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